Jerry Allen - Modern Artist
I remember practicing drawing many days and all hours of the night. My art was always something I was pleased with and very proud of.
The fist time someone gave me money for artwork I was about thirteen. It was a drawing of the rap group Run DMC and Jam Master J. I earned $15 and I was so excited. Since then art has remained a part of my life. With art I have learned to be patient, to be tenacious and to always continue to learn.
Although I have tackled many styles and subject matter, nothing satisfies me like a well painted portrait. Its always exciting to experience the transformation of a blank canvas to a simple drawing and then to a painting full of life, color and movement. With the creation of my company, I'm able to offer quality portraits at an affordable price.
It is incredibly satisfying to know that I can use my talent to bring joy into the lives of others.
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